Friday, 28 March 2014

Q5) How did you attract/address your audience?

In my Front cover I attracted/addressed my audience my audience through colours, pictures and style of language. In order to find out if I really attracted/addressed my audience I did a small questionnaire;

1)Can you tell the genre of the magazine I have produced?
2)Does my front cover, contents page and double page spread look conventional?
3)Do you think I have represented my audience through my design?, if so how?
4)What has appealed to you the most?
5)What is a good factor about my magazine?
6)Would you buy the magazine
7)How do you think I can improve it?

These questions allowed me to understand if I did attract or address my audience and from the feedback I know that I have because I got positive feedback on my house of style colour scheme and design. However I was told to improve on the models clothing which I agree with because it's very simple and not appealing.

I also attracted my audience by giving a free nail varnish "USP" because this represents my young audience as they're quite fashionable. This also makes the magazine expensive.

Part one of my audience feedback by nusuribibi on GoAnimate

Part 2 of my audience feedback by nusuribibi on GoAnimate

Thursday, 27 March 2014

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I used this digital camera to take my photos for my magazine. The quality of this camera lens is very promising and good the picture is high pixelated so that I can edit it on photoshop. With this camera I used lighting so that the picture doesn't come out dark in the room.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Q7) Looking back at your premilinary task, what do you think you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task I learnt how to edit codes and conventions using Photo shop and updating everything on blogger. Using Photo shop is quite tricky because I felt like by the time I would find the right tool to edit my front cover/contents/double page spread it would be the end of lesson. However to save my time I would look on You Tube in my spare time to learn how to edit certain things. In some cases I found it useful e.g. using the quick eraser tool to crop the subject from the background and placing in to another plain background. In my preliminary task I didn’t quite like my college front cover as it’s very boring and not appealing. I didn’t know how to edit pictures or use layers properly, if I could redo my college front cover I would make it look more busy and interesting. In my drafts I included all the conventions but it’s not full and the cover looks simple.  I kept the magazines traditional layout, I also noticed that the music magazine Top Of The Pops had changed it’s front cover layout as 2014 begun and they’re not using pink all the time to represent the audience.

This table demonstrates what I have and what I haven't included in both of my magazine front covers
If I could re do my college magazine I wouldn't change anything but I would add more sell lines make it look more appealing by adding shapes more pictures and edit the models picture and make it brighter or maybe put some neatural make up on to look healthy.

In my contents page I found it easy to create as I used the traditional layout from Top Of The Pops music magazine because firstly it’s conventional and secondly it’s interesting and fun. I also became familiar of all the important tools because I spent a lot of time on my front cover.

In my double page spread I have learnt that you can’t create a double page spread it has to be done on publisher because the text doesn’t wrap on Photo shop and in some cases make the page look unconventional. By doing it on Publisher I got to correct my grammar and spelling mistakes ,also wrapping  the text around the pull quote ,this technique makes the page look conventional.