Friday, 14 February 2014

Photo shop process of my double page spread draft

 I first set the page as A3 then placed my heading at the top using Lucida handwriting and used the conventional colour pink. Then I copied and pasted my text from my draft double page on publisher and layered it out in columns. Columns is a convention for a double page spread and and also questions in a different colour to the text makes it easier and precise for the readers. 

Then used the quick selection tool to separate the object from the background, so it's easier for me rather than spending time erasing everything that's unnecessary.

To make the background look smooth I used the  refine  edge tool. This will make it look more professional and neat.

 I then placed the edited picture on the right side of the page. This is conventional, this could be because when the audience flip through the page they'll notice the picture which should appeal to them to read the interview.  I also put a background to the double page spread because it was very  plain and boring. I used the gradient tool to make the background more effective.  I also changed the font of the sub heading using 'dafont' online and stroked it black to appeal the readers. I then inserted the models name this was an inspiration from another magazine. I then conventionally put in page numbers using the black oval shape around it. And for the music notes I used the shape-custom tool to make it more interesting and fun.

Then I stroked the heading to stand out.

Then I used another oval shape for my pull quote and placed it in the middle. to make it effective I wrote ''omg'' to grab the readers attention.

Lastly I stroke the oval shape and the music notes and also added ''exclusive interview'' on the top right of the page.

 After finding out that I can't text wrap around the pull quote in Photo Shop I was told to do my double page spread on Publisher. I deleted the text and saved the shape and the pull quote as a picture, I then changed the font of 'emily' and the subheading to the same font as it was on the front cover to keep the continuity and added speech marks to make it look conventional I also changed the brightness of the image to make it look more attractive and not cheap, after that I saved the double page spread as JPEG and used it as my background on publisher. I then put my text and pull quote in using columns. I also put a drop cap in and put a caption of the image at the bottom of the page alongside the website and date that's highlighted at the bottom in pink.

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